
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

{ annual recycle day }

i'm not sure why i think i'll have so much energy in the evening.  i create mental lists throughout the afternoon of things i'll be able to do when the night duties are done.  i'm not even to that point tonight and my energy level has plummeted.  dinner is done and peej is in bed, but the dishes need doing and the living room picked up.

AFTER those things were done i intended to take the ornaments off the tree and run the overflowing recycling bins and subsequent bags down to the garbage room. oh, the garbage room {shudder}.

speaking of recycling, sister and i and girls took our cans to the recycling station today.  i hadn't done this in an entire year.  i had an entire year's worth of cans piling up outside our balcony which resulted in 4 giant black garbage bags, nearly an hour of sorting and very dirty hands.  i feel i should mention how involved liv was.  she insisted on handing me the cans one by one from the big black bags.  it was actually very helpful.

the recycling machines behind the albertson's in long beach are not exactly desirable.  my efforts yielded $30.05, but it was a humbling experience. sorting my cans among others who rely on the money they get from scrounging recyclables throughout the day as their only source of income.  they were all very friendly;  giving us tips and pointers for getting the machines to work in between strings of friendly swears.  

needless to say, my burdens felt lighter.
: :

i searched recycle on pinterest thinking i'd see lots of pictures of bottles and cans, but instead i found several fun projects using reusable products.  some for practical use and some just for beauty.  i thought i'd share a few.

top left to right: rustic pallet bed {source}, dyed corks {source}, covered shoe box tops {source}.

bottom left to right: such a beautiful color pallet, i think i'd like to create my own version with various papers and fabrics {source}, shabby pallet shelves {source}.  i'm not sure why i'm so drawn to recycled pallets.  eric shudders a little every time i bring one home.
: :

alright, i've burned through 3 episodes of 30 Rock, sinking deeper and deeper into this couch.  it's time to either rally and clean the kitchen or call it quits for the day.

but, what about the buttermilk chippers i planned to eat?  they were #4 on my night list.

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